Sunday, February 13, 2011


LB#13:Teaching with Visual Symbols

The different kinds of visual symbols can be used in different purposes to demonstrate or to organize your discussion through symbols. Obviously, graphs are easier to understand than word discussion. Your discussion should possess concrete visual aids using the symbols.
The perfect cartoon needs no caption. The less the artist depends on words, the more effective the symbolism. The symbolism conveys the message. You can also use this as a springboard for a lesson or a concluding activity.

lesson #12

LB#12:The Power Of Film, Video and T.V In the Classroom

The Power of Film from Avenger_Comedy on Vimeo.

The appeal of visual media continues to make film, video and television as educational tools with high potential impact. They are now more accessible and less cumbersome to use. Let us take advantage on them in the classroom.
Television and film are one-way communication device consequently, they encourage passivity.
The small screen size puts television at a disadvantage when compared with the possible size of projected motion pictures, for example.
Excessive tv viewing works against the dev’t of the child’s ability to visualize and to be creative and imaginative, skills, that are needed in problem solving.
There is much violence in tv.


LB # 11: Field Trips
A field trip or excursion is a journey by a group of people to a place away from their normal environment.

The purpose of the trip is usually observation for education, non-experimental research or to provide students with experiences outside their everyday activities, such as going camping with teachers and their classmates. The aim of this research is to observe the subject in its natural state and possibly collect samples. In western culture people first come across this method during school years when classes are taken on school trips to visit a geological or geographical feature of the landscape, for example. Much of the early research into the natural sciences was of this form. Charles Darwin is an important example of someone who has contributed to science through the use of field trips.[citation needed]

To mitigate these risks and expenses, most school systems now have formalized field trip procedures that considers the entire trip from estimation, approval and scheduling through planning the actual trip and post-trip activities.

field trip from decipher films on Vimeo.