Lb#8:Teaching with Contrived Experiences
In this lesson, I was able to learned on how, teaching with contrived experiences important to a teacher. In this process of teaching, we should put in mind how the students can make their own concept Teaching with contrived experiences is very important to a teacher because by this, a teacher will not find difficult on how to show to his/her student situation. Every learning that they acquired must be reinforced by a teacher in a form of experience for them. You want to implement is the best knowledge is learned through making them experience the things that you want them to learned. As much as a teacher wants, he/she can never deny the facts that a student will learned when their senses do the observation or learned through their own..The contrived will served as substitute for real things when it is not practical or not possible to bring or the real things in the classroom.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
LB#7:"Direct, Purposeful Experiences and Beyond"
As what I've understand from this lesson, “Direct Purposeful Experiences and Beyond “means that a student can construct the ideas, the concepts using their own knowledge and experiences. The students must tend to go beyond the actual happenings with their selves and their purpose is to have their own experiences and make up the foundations of learning.
As teacher, I must be able to let my students perform in our activities so that they can immerse in the world of experience. I will give them the permission to use real things so they will not ignore.
The more meaningful the experience to us means the bigger chance of retaining what we learned. It is the point that we have a direct participation into events and used it into our daily basis as we learned. We can interrelate things as we could possibly do the fact that we get, because learning is our best .Even if you have all the skills in the world, but you have a less experience in the application of your learning, still it will be useless because you have no idea what to do with those skills. It will be a better thing as we can say and defined this as intelligence. This experience emphasizes the way of students or their capabilities to solve problems to experience, so that we can postulate it as the role of teacher in the best way possible to the class, to sustain or maintain intellectual excitement.
As what I've understand from this lesson, “Direct Purposeful Experiences and Beyond “means that a student can construct the ideas, the concepts using their own knowledge and experiences. The students must tend to go beyond the actual happenings with their selves and their purpose is to have their own experiences and make up the foundations of learning.
As teacher, I must be able to let my students perform in our activities so that they can immerse in the world of experience. I will give them the permission to use real things so they will not ignore.
The more meaningful the experience to us means the bigger chance of retaining what we learned. It is the point that we have a direct participation into events and used it into our daily basis as we learned. We can interrelate things as we could possibly do the fact that we get, because learning is our best .Even if you have all the skills in the world, but you have a less experience in the application of your learning, still it will be useless because you have no idea what to do with those skills. It will be a better thing as we can say and defined this as intelligence. This experience emphasizes the way of students or their capabilities to solve problems to experience, so that we can postulate it as the role of teacher in the best way possible to the class, to sustain or maintain intellectual excitement.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Educational Technology 1
Lb#6:Using and Evaluating Instructional Materials
"you should have a good idea of your destination, both in the over-all purposes of education and in the everyday work of your teaching.If you do not know where you are going,you cannot properly choose a way to get there."
In my own understanding about using and evaluating instructional materials,It is one of the important things that we have to do, so that we can go over our ambitions or what we want to our life or our future. You have to evaluate your actions ,your attitudes or etc. so that you can manage it,if it is good to you or not .If you think that materials is not good for you so find way to be aware of that.
"you should have a good idea of your destination, both in the over-all purposes of education and in the everyday work of your teaching.If you do not know where you are going,you cannot properly choose a way to get there."
In my own understanding about using and evaluating instructional materials,It is one of the important things that we have to do, so that we can go over our ambitions or what we want to our life or our future. You have to evaluate your actions ,your attitudes or etc. so that you can manage it,if it is good to you or not .If you think that materials is not good for you so find way to be aware of that.

Educational technology 1
Lb#5:The Cone of Experience
"the cone is a visual analogy, and like all analogies, it does not bear an exact and detailed relationship to the complex elements it represents."
The cone of experience is like the bottle of your memories in past , all your experience in your childhood,elementary,high school, happy and sad experience all of those experience you can relate it back or look back in the way of those cone or bottle .Where you put all the remembrance of your past experience.Example of this is the picture or recording in radio or even small souvenirs.

he Cone of Experience is a visual model meant to summarise Dale’s classification system for the varied types of mediated learning experiences.
The original labels for Dale’s ten categories are: Direct, Purposeful Experiences; Contrived Experiences; Dramatic Participation; Demonstrations; Field Trips; Exhibits; Motion Pictures; Radio; Recordings; Still Pictures; Visual Symbols; and Verbal Symbols.Dale's Cone of Experience - (Audio visual methods in teaching 1957)
When Dale researched learning and teaching methods he found that much of what we found to be true of direct and indirect (and of concrete and abstract) experience could be summarised in a pyramid or ‘pictorial device’ Dales called ‘the Cone of Experience’. In his book ‘Audio visual methods in teaching’ – 1957, he stated that the cone was not offered as a perfect or mechanically flawless picture to be taken absolutely literally. It was merely designed as a visual aid to help explain the interrelationships of the various types of audio-visual materials, as well as their individual ‘positions’ in the learning process.
Dale points out that it would be a dangerous mistake to regard the bands on the cone as rigid, inflexible divisions.
He said “The cone device is a visual metaphor of learning experiences, in which the various types of audio-visual materials are arranged in the order of increasing abstractness as one proceeds from direct experiences”
"the cone is a visual analogy, and like all analogies, it does not bear an exact and detailed relationship to the complex elements it represents."
The cone of experience is like the bottle of your memories in past , all your experience in your childhood,elementary,high school, happy and sad experience all of those experience you can relate it back or look back in the way of those cone or bottle .Where you put all the remembrance of your past experience.Example of this is the picture or recording in radio or even small souvenirs.

he Cone of Experience is a visual model meant to summarise Dale’s classification system for the varied types of mediated learning experiences.
The original labels for Dale’s ten categories are: Direct, Purposeful Experiences; Contrived Experiences; Dramatic Participation; Demonstrations; Field Trips; Exhibits; Motion Pictures; Radio; Recordings; Still Pictures; Visual Symbols; and Verbal Symbols.Dale's Cone of Experience - (Audio visual methods in teaching 1957)
When Dale researched learning and teaching methods he found that much of what we found to be true of direct and indirect (and of concrete and abstract) experience could be summarised in a pyramid or ‘pictorial device’ Dales called ‘the Cone of Experience’. In his book ‘Audio visual methods in teaching’ – 1957, he stated that the cone was not offered as a perfect or mechanically flawless picture to be taken absolutely literally. It was merely designed as a visual aid to help explain the interrelationships of the various types of audio-visual materials, as well as their individual ‘positions’ in the learning process.
Dale points out that it would be a dangerous mistake to regard the bands on the cone as rigid, inflexible divisions.
He said “The cone device is a visual metaphor of learning experiences, in which the various types of audio-visual materials are arranged in the order of increasing abstractness as one proceeds from direct experiences”
Educational technology 1
"a plan that emphasizes the parts may pay the cost of failing to consider the whole, and a plan that emphasizes the whole must pay the cost of failing to get down to the real depth with respect to the parts.'
As what I have understand about the systematic approach to teaching is you have to be a systematic one's . Example:if you undergo of teaching ,you must be a systematic or be prepared even yourself,you have to be confident and if your topic is need to use anything ,it is important that you have those all things that needed to your discussion or your way of your teaching .So that the flow of your discussion is easy to you ,and easy to understand the learners and having step by step process.
"a plan that emphasizes the parts may pay the cost of failing to consider the whole, and a plan that emphasizes the whole must pay the cost of failing to get down to the real depth with respect to the parts.'
As what I have understand about the systematic approach to teaching is you have to be a systematic one's . Example:if you undergo of teaching ,you must be a systematic or be prepared even yourself,you have to be confident and if your topic is need to use anything ,it is important that you have those all things that needed to your discussion or your way of your teaching .So that the flow of your discussion is easy to you ,and easy to understand the learners and having step by step process.

Educatinal technology 1
Lb#3:"The Roles of Educational Technology in Learning"
technology makes the world a new place
Technology can help those people who want to learn.It can stand as your partner in the learning process.
In the constructivist way ,technology helps the learner build more meaningful persons interpretations of life or be a meaningful in this world.It is nice to have knowledge in your own learning. Learners have capacity to learned and know .I can say all person is smart if they study or if you want to know those things or any kind you want to know, just study those things and you can find it .Example:like learning in computer ,how you can find the meaning of the word you want to know the definition use the computer ,if you never know ho to use it.So you have to study first in your own so that you can have it.Don't wait your teacher or other person teach you,how about all of them are busy ,so discover it in your own don't waist your time.

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